Our Preschool
Children are viewed as competent and capable learners with a voice to be heard.
Staff are committed to providing quality care and education by encouraging children’s natural curiosity, creativity and imagination to help protect the wonder of childhood
Families are viewed as individual and unique, each with their own special needs and ideals.
Strong community links promote successful relationships between children, families and communities.
Our environment reflects natural beauty and children are supported to the connect with the natural world.
We endeavour to help children to learn to love and respect themselves, the people and the surroundings in their world.

Programs we offer
Preschool Program
We provide early childhood education through, respect and care for each child and their family in a quality nurturing learning environment.
To provide an inclusive environment that meets the diverse needs of our children, our families and our community.
To create a program that is flexible in supporting the development of each child through their needs, ideas and learning theories.
To build and strengthen relationships with and between children, their families and the community through collaborative, reciprocal partnerships.
To embed sustainability within our service to be inherent in our children’s learning, our knowledge and practice

Growing Coastal
Growing Coastal is a holistic and inspirational learning program that offers children opportunities to achieve, develop confidence and self esteem through hands on learning experiences in our local green foreshore area.
Session characteristics include:
Child led experiences – children are free to play and explore in the natural environment
Strong community connections and partnerships
Environmental awareness and education (including working alongside Dune Care assisting to regenerate our local dune area)
Animal conservation (including working with Wildlife Carers, Sea Bird and Turtle rescue)
Children learn to self assess their own risks and safety boundaries with support
Adult supported and encouraged questioning
Using real tools to develop fine motor skills and knowledge
Nature craft using natural resources to create
This program is offered to children who are enrolled at Kingscliff Mini School (KMS) as an additional session to their regular KMS days.

When we moved to the area the first piece of advice I received from a local was to put our kids names down at mini school because it is an absolutely beautiful pre-school. They were right and now I tell newcomers the same thing. Our children have loved attending mini school.
The physical environment is the ultimate backyard and the diversity of activities means there is so much choice for them, from painting, craft and playdough to riding scooters, Lego and playing soccer.
I love that they learn how to treat each other kindly and that there is also quiet reflective time.
It is the warm, positive and caring teachers that really make the place special though. They all truly love kids and want to be there. By their actions they actually inspire me to always be more patient and more positive. It's a truly special place.

Kingscliff Minischool is a magical place. The environment is beautiful and facilitates creative exploration. The teachers are truly special and outstanding. I have never come across a group of people who so deeply care about the children's growth and development and truly nurture their spirits. Both of my children started MiniSchool reserved and shy. One year later they have morphed into socially confident and emotionally resilient little people. Our whole family feels deeply grateful that we've had the MiniSchool experience - it truly is the best start ever.

We feel so fortunate that our son Fynn & our family as a whole were welcomed into Mini School this year. We have watched Fynn positively transform as the year has progressed and mature in time to start primary school. The teachers are so supportive, nurturing and such positive role models to the children. Our son looks forward to each day at Mini School and always comes home speaking so highly about what he has done and learnt each day. We will be sad to leave at the end of the year but look forward to our next child going in the future and are so grateful for the year in which we have been part of!